All about YouTube star SaraBeautyCorner

SaraBeautyCorner is one of my most favourite YouTubers, and by favourite I MEAN favourite.

She is very creative and artistic, and typically posts once a month to her 4.9m subscribers, with videos on life hacks and DIYs.

My two favourite videos of hers are her 12 Make-up Life Hacks and her 14 DIY Science Experiments To Do At Home.

Sara is from Slovenia (although she now resides in Norway) and is 29 years old.

She launched her YouTube channel in October 2012.

I really like her because all of her life hacks are very useful, and I have even tried some myself – although the scientific experiments are harder than they look.

She has inspired me so much that I even bought a glue gun to try out more of her experiments.

You can watch her at: